
As part of the worldwide Christian Church, Clear Water Presbyterian exists to glorify God by enjoying Him and all that He has made, and by seeking to extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ over every individual life, every area of society, all nations, and in each culture. This grand vision is not only CWPC’s but it is the very vision of the Church itself and our prayer is that it will be brought to pass in Eau Claire, WI as God makes sinners into saints, rebels into sons and daughters, and idolators into worshipers of the only true Triune God.

How the Vision is Accomplished

In our day, both in the church and outside of it, there is no end to well-worded vision statements, strategic plans, and carefully curated tasks to be accomplished. The power of God is often treated as needing help from attractive music sets, seamless worship services, palatable motivational speeches, and the efficiency and abundance of programs.

The Scriptures make clear that we are to look to the Triune God alone, for His is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Therefore, in the simplest of terms, this grand vision is accomplished by Christ Himself (Mt 16:18). He chooses to fulfill it by commissioning the church into His work (Mt 28:18-20). This work looks like proclaiming the gospel to those who remain in rebellion to Him. It also includes the ongoing building up of the church, the very household of God (1 Tim 3:15), through the preaching of the Word, the right use of the Sacraments, and the regular discipline/shepherding of His people.

As a church that is Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission, some key emphases will show forth in seeking to fulfill that vision.

  • Preaching the Scriptures and the Gospel - The Word is God’s revelation to man. We declare what He has revealed, not more or less, to the glory of God and the joy of the nations.

  • Engagement of non-Christians - The church is a collective of ambassadors pleading with the world to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:20). We live to tell others about Christ.

  • Reverence in Worship - Our worship must be regulated by God’s Word. We look to God to direct us how we are to come in worship, that is with reverence, humility, and faith.

  • True and Consistent Fellowship - Belonging to one another in Christ means we share our lives, our homes, our tables, our joys and pains with one another.

  • Shepherding by Pastors and Elders - The Chief Shepherd cares for his sheep through the care of pastors and elders (1 Pe 5:6-7) who know your name and pray with and for you.